
Category: logistics

Simple gear list for your first tour

I recently added a budget page to the site.  When we initially began planning this trip, we worked the finances out on the back of a napkin.  Surprisingly (or not surprisingly if you know my ability to SWAG) once I put everything into a spreadsheet our napkin turned out to be spot on.  I also Read More

Logistics: Shipping to Alaska from Utah

Getting our bikes to Alaska is a bit of a trick. The simplest way to go about it is to just ship them straight to Homer. But when we first looked into this, we got quotes ranging from $250 to $1,000 per bike.  We are shipping two bikes and a box of gear, so that Read More


Soph did some research the other day just in case there were any special requirements we needed to be aware of in terms of visas.  We were a bit concerned that this might be a bit complicated with us coming from different countries and needing to visit different embassies for paperwork.  Generally it is easy Read More

Driving an unregistered car in Utah and obtaining a pedicab license in Detroit

I have to give it to the state of Utah for amazing efficiency in government. The irony is that Utahns hate the government. Pretty sure it goes back to The Utah War of 1857. It was a relatively uneventful skirmish, but apparently there are still some ruffled feathers. The expediency with which they execute the Read More

Typhoid Speedball Part II: My Immunizations

Part I of this series was generally useless if you actually care about the logistics of planning for an extended stay in South America.  This part will be a bit more dense and hopefully less entertaining.  I say hopefully because I recognize that it is possible that you did not find the first post worth Read More


For the last 3 months I have had something on my todo list that I have consistently been kicking down the road.  I look at it a few times a week and know it is something I should do, but procrastination gets the best of me.  Today was the first time in a while that Read More

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